How do I add more storage to Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, and other Google services? If you want to know the steps to upgrade your Google account storage space, then read this guide until it's complete.

To use Google's free online storage service, you'll need to sign up and create a Gmail account. Once you have an email from Gmail, you'll have a Google account connected to all other Google products like Drive and Google Photos.

Google account owners will get 15 GB of free online storage for all Google products. You can add it by subscribing to a monthly or annual premium plan for users who need more storage capacity.

Add More Storage to Google Drive, Google Photos, and Gmail

Google provides three premium plans to increase the online storage capacity of your Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos accounts. The amount of storage google offers for its paid subscriptions is 100 GB, 200 GB, and 2 Tb.

Google Storage for Drive, Gmail, and Photos upgrades

To increase the storage capacity of Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos, you can go through the Google One link and select it in the Storage section. You can choose the subscription plan offered: 100 GB, 200 GB, or 2 TB.

add more storage to gmail, how to upgrade gmail storage

You can also increase your Google storage space through Gmail. 

  1. Sign in to your Gmail.
  2. Scroll down to see google storage status.
  3. Next, click Manage, you'll be redirected to the Google One page.
  4. Choose the storage plan you need 100 GB, 200 GB, or 2 TB in the Google One Storage menu.
  5. And follow the payment procedure until it's done.

Besides, you can also subscribe to the premium plan to increase your storage space via Google Drive or via Google Photos, how to:

  1. Sign in to your Google Photos or Google Drive.
  2. On the Google Photos or Google Drive main page, you'll see the available Google storage status in the bottom left pane.
  3. Click the storage status, and then you'll be taken to the Google One page.
  4. Select the storage plan you want to add to your Gmail or Google account.
  5. And follow the payment procedure to enjoy the premium service.